The unofficial kickoff to summer is this weekend and I couldn’t be more excited. However, this year temperatures aren’t the only thing heating up. Rising gas prices and inflation along with dropping valuations in the stock market have consumers concerned. So the question is how can we still enjoy Summer 2022 without breaking the bank?

Here are 5 tips: 

1. Take a local vacation: I am lucky to live near the Jersey Shore. So taking a day trip there is a great way to sit back, relax, and enjoy a financially conservative vacation. For those that don’t live close to a beach look up other areas like lakes, parks, or hiking trails where you can get away for a day or short weekend. Pro tip: If you purchase tickets or passes in advance you can typically save some money

2. Cancel/ Postpone Subscriptions: Let’s be honest during the summer months we aren’t sitting at home watching Netflix or making meal kits. Make a list of all of the subscriptions you have and see which ones could be paused for the summer (or maybe need to be canceled as a whole). 

3. Make yourself a summer budget: We spend money on different things for different seasons. Make yourself a budget that will take into consideration what you want to do this summer. Build yourself a “fun” category on your budget if you don’t have one already. 

4. Host instead of going out: Rather than going out this summer for drinks or dinner, host a BBQ or outdoor event at your place. And before you worry about the costs or buying all of the food and drinks remember its ok to ask people to bring a side or dish or drinks (most people will want to anyway so they don’t feel like they are taking advantage of your hospitality) 

5. Limit summer sale shopping: During the summer months stores are constantly having sales especially around the big holidays like Memorial Day or Fourth of July. Make a list of items you need to buy and can wait for the sales. This will help to keep you focused and not fall into the trap of overspending or buying things you don’t want or need just because they’re on sale (this is coming from a former saleaholic herself)

Caroline Tanis