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Wealth Resources Blog

The Group was created to provide articles and resources to women and their families — a place where women can build wealth and knowledge for their dream life.

It’s Benefits Open Enrollment Season

For many companies, October is what I like to call “benefits season”. You are probably being bombarded with emails from your employer and/or their health care providers reminding you that it’s time to pick your benefits for 2023. I remember from my days working at a large bank the stress of having to sit there and determine what type of

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How to Prepare Financially For the Holidays

The holidays can be expensive, between gifts, outfits for all of the parties, the food we need to make or prepare to bring, and more. The monetary burden can quickly stack up. And after the holiday rush I always hear the common theme of “this year I want to prioritize my finances”. But it’s hard to start out on the right foot when you are saddled with debt and bills from holiday spending. 

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