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Wealth Resources Blog

The Group was created to provide articles and resources to women and their families — a place where women can build wealth and knowledge for their dream life.

Happy Holidays to All…& To All a Goodnight

No matter what holiday you celebrate this time of year you can feel a sense of magic in the air. This year I find myself feeling a sense of relief as life has gotten back to its (new) normal. Holiday parties, white elephants, and family gatherings are back- in some cases whether we like it or not. I hope that

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Why is Life So Expensive Right Now?

Let’s face it 2022 has gotten expensive and inflation isn’t the only thing to blame. Yes, inflation and the war between Russia and Ukraine raising oil prices and has impacted everything from foods to flights. However, our lifestyles have also gotten more expensive.   Think back to March of 2020. All of a sudden, the world stopped. For over 18 months,

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3 Things to Do If You Are Worried About a Layoff 

Over the last several months the news has highlighted one company after the next that has been laying off employees. From DoorDash to Amazon to Masterclass few industries have been safe. And with more companies announcing each day many people are left wondering what they can do in order to prepare for the possibility of a layoff? No matter where you

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